New release June 9, 2024
OU Uranio
Composed by Ersilia Prosperi

Recorded and mixed at Angelo Mai, Kappa Bit Studio, Rome, Italy. Produced by Amy Denio, mastered by Steve Turnidge (Seattle -USA), published by Spoot Music (USA), Folderol Records (Italy). Cover Graphics by Resh Zeni.
The Mediterranean genius of chamber jazz anarchists OU (egg in Sardinian language) shines with the fury of fission on their newest release Uranio (Folderol / Spoot Music).
Inventive composer and multi-instrumentalist Ersilia Prosperi has created an abundant cornucopia of spirited sounds exploring and celebrating all corners of the world, sung in a variety of romantic languages. Since their inception in Rome Italy in 2013, OU has transformed into a royal cOUrte.
Ersilia holds the baton and scepter as the King, Producer Amy Denio is Regina (the queen); bassist and mix engineer Claudio Mosconi is the Prince, drummer Cristiano de Fabritiis is the Illegitimate Prince, Marchese Andrea Pesce plays keys, and vocalist Valeria Sturba plays violin and theremin.
Prosperi’s dreamscapes cover the romantic entanglements of octopi, nests and nations turning from safe havens to violent cages, mourning doves with gigantic human babies, and a funereal brass band mourns NATO’s deadly war games poisoning Sardinia’s land and waters. credits
The video is dedicated to the A Foras movement and to all the activists fighting against NATO bases in Sardinia, to the Sardinian people, and to all the peoples fighting to protect the sea and the land from abuses and barbarism. The video was shot in Quirra (Sardinia), the largest NATO base in Europe – Filmed and edited by Luca Gaetano Piras.
“Here’s a fun one! An Italian sextet lead by Ersilia Prosperi who composes, sings and plays the trumpet and ukulele in artsy and quirky tunes!” JAZZ WEEKLY

“Ou sound like no other group”
“A rational anarchy of sounds”

I composed and recorded ‘Pisces Crisis’ and ‘Scrambled!’ in Seattle at the Studio Litho (Stone Grossard – Pearl Jam). With my beloved Ou and our queen Amy Denio we played in Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco and in the fantastìc and psychedelìc desert of Joshua Tree. It was fun
crazy and amazing to play with Diana Tejera in New York, Berlin and Madrid. In London and Zurich I felt great joy with Meklit Hadero, her wonderful music and her inspiring musicians from San Francisco music scene. In Madrid I founded The HyperIntergalactics project with my hyperintergalactics allies Maria Prado Vega, Chefa Alonso, Raquel Sanchez, Jorge Frias, Guillermo Gonzales, Michela Becciu and Alberto Autiero. Now i’m working on NEW compositions for the OU’s third album with Amy Denio, Spoot Music (USA), Kappabit (ITA), Folderol Records (ITA) and with the Dutch composer Merel Van Dijk we are recording the first album for the Zeezand project. So glad!

Trombettista e compositrice, partecipa a innumerevoli dischi live e in studio, a festival nazionali e internazionali e progetti di improvvisazione, alt jazz e songwriting (Meklit Hadero, Amy Denio, Calibro 35, Antonella Ruggiero, Ardecore ft Zu, Mike Cooper, Orchestra Iato, Jessica Lurie, Emily Hay, Luca Venitucci, Alvin Curran, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Chefa Alonso). Forma il gruppo OU, per cui compone Pisces Crisis (2014) e Scrambled! (2015), entrambi vengono registrati a Seattle presso lo Studio Litho (Stone Grossard – Pearl Jam), prodotti da Amy Denio, pubblicati negli USA (Spoot Music, Public Eyesor) e presentati nei palchi e nelle radio (KEXP Radio) della west coast statunitense – Earshot Jazz Festival (Seattle), Joshua Tree Music Festival (LA), San Francisco Botanical Garden, in Europa in formazione con Amy Denio e in Italia in apertura dei Calibro 35. Con Diana Tejera, registra l’album Oops! che viene presentato a New York, Berlino, Madrid, Weimar, Binghamton Seattle.
Trombettista ospite nel tour europeo di Meklit Hadero – South Bank Centre (Londra), Norwich and Norfolk Festival, Moods (Zurigo). Con Daniela Diurisi compone per le opere della coreografa e regista sperimentale Maya Deren. Si trasferisce a Madrid dove si unisce alla Orquesta en Transito diretta da Chefa Alonso, fonda la Fanfarria Transfeminista de Madrid, dà vita al progetto performativo Bocas de caracolas con la regista Laura Suárez e Marilena Muratori e compone le musiche per l’opera interdisciplinare dell’ensemble The Hyperintergalactics (Maria Prado Vega, Chefa Alonso, Raquel Sanchez, Michela Becciu, Jorge Frias, Guillermo Gonzales, Alberto Autiero). In Italia con Kappabit, Folderol Records, Amy Denio e Spoot Music lavora alla produzione del terzo disco di sue composizioni per il progetto OU. Tra Roma, Firenze e Parigi con Maria Luisa Usai e Alessia Siniscalchi (Kulturscio’K) lavora all’opera performativa “Signore – Mia madre nel ’68 non c’era e se c’era non se ne accorta”, a Roma partecipa come musicista al film di Gianni Amelio: Il signore delle formiche e con Merel Van Dijk incide il primo lavoro discografico per il progetto Zeezand. Compositrice della colonna sonora per il documentario sul grande regista francese Paul Vecchialì del regista Antonio Pettinelli. A Madrid nel 2023 è trombettista ospite e collabora agli arrangiamenti dei fiati del nuovo disco della rinomata artista e compositrice elettronica Sole Parody – Le Parody.

As a trumpet player and composer, I have worked on Italian and international projects. My work spans from improvisation and Alt-Jazz to songwriting (Meklit Hadero, Amy Denio, Calibro 35, Antonella Ruggiero, Ardecore ft Zu, Mike Cooper, Orchestra Iato, Jessica Lurie, Emily Hay, Luca Venitucci, Alvin Curran, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Chefa Alonso). I am the founder of the band OU. I composed our albums ‘Pisces Crisis’ and ‘Scrambled!’, which we recorded at the Studio Litho (Stone Grossard – Pearl Jam) in Seattle with the brilliant production of Amy Denio, released in the US by Spoot Music and Public Eyesore. OU’s work has been presented on stages and radios (KEXP Radio) on the US west coast during two long tours, at the Joshua Tree Music Festival in Los Angeles, at the Earshot Jazz Festival in Seattle, at the San Francisco Botanical Garden, in Europe feat Amy Denio. With Diana Tejera, Edmondo was founded. We presented our album ‘Oops!’ in New York, Berlin, Madrid and Weimar. I have played as a guest of Meklit Hadero at the SouthBank Centre in London in the horn section with Pee Wee Ellis and then in Zurich and at the Norwich and Norfolk Festival. With Daniela Diurisi I founded the Mirrors project and composed the music for some works by the experimental choreographer and director Maya Deren. I moved to Madrid where I found a home in Chefa Alonso’s Orquesta en Transito, i founded the social brass band Fanfarria Transfeminista, i started the Bocas de caracolas project with the director Laura Suárez and Marilena Muratori, and i composed the music for contemporary opera for the ensemble The HyperIntergalactics (Maria Prado Vega, Chefa Alonso, Raquel Sanchez, Jorge Frias, Guillermo Gonzales, Michela Becciu and Alberto Autiero). In Italy with Maria Luisa Usai and Alessia Siniscalchi (Kulturscio’K – Paris) we built the performing art work “Signore – Mia madre nel ’68 non c’era e se c’era non se ne accorta”. In 2021 I participated as a musician in Gianni Amelio’s film: Il signore delle formiche.
In 2022 I collaborated with the Italian publisher Kappabit, Folderol Records and for the third time with Amy Denio and her label, Spoot Music, on the production of the third disc of my compositions for the OU project and with the Dutch composer Merel Van Dijk we have recorded the first album of the Zeezand project. Compone la columna sonora para el documental sobre el gran director francés Paul Vecchialì, bajo la direction del director italiano Antonio Pettinelli. Nel 2023 en Madrid es trompetista invitada y colabora a los arreglos de las trompetas para el disco de la compositora andalusa Sole Parody – Le Parody.

Trompetista y compositora en proyectos italianos e internacionales de improvisación, jazz alternativo y song writing (Meklit Hadero, Amy Denio, Calibro 35, Antonella Ruggiero, Ardecore ft Zu, Mike Cooper, Orchestra Iato, Jessica Lurie, Emily Hay, Luca Venitucci, Alvin Curran, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Chefa Alonso). Para OU compuse Pisces Crisis y Scrambled!, los grabamos en el Studio Litho (Stone Grossard – Pearl Jam) en Seattle con la brillante producción de Amy Denio, lanzado en los EE. UU. por Spoot Music y Public Eyesore, los presentamos en escenarios y radios (KEXP Radio) en la costa oeste de los EE. UU. durante dos largas giras, en el ‘Earshot Jazz Festival (Seattle), al Joshua Tree Music Festival (Los Ángeles), al San Francisco Botanical Garden, en Europa feat Amy Denio. Con Diana Tejera me convertí en Edmondo, grabamos ¡Oops! y lo tocamos en Nueva York, Berlín, Madrid y Weimar. Invitada de Meklit Hadero en el SouthBank Centre de Londres en la sección de vientos con Pee Wee Ellis y luego en Zurich y en el Norwich Festival. Con Daniela Diurisi fundé el proyecto Mirrors y compuse la música para algunas obras de la coreógrafa y directora experimental Maya Deren. En Madrid, donde me mudé en el 2018, he participado a los conciertos para el centenario del Palacio de Cibeles. En la capital ibérica encontré un hogar en la Orquesta en Transito dirigida por Chefa Alonso, fundé la Fanfarria Transfeminista, con la directora Laura Suárez y la académica Marilena Muratori empezamos el proyecto performativo Bocas de caracolas y compuse la música para la ópera contemporánea para el ensemble The HyperIntergalactics (Maria Prado Vega, Chefa Alonso, Raquel Sanchez, Jorge Frias, Guillermo Gonzales, Michela Becciu y Alberto Autiero). En Italia sigo trabajando con Maria Luisa Usai y Alessia Siniscalchi (Kulturscio’K – Paris) trabajamos a la obra “Signore – Mia madre nel ’68 non c’era e se c’era non se ne accorta”, he participado como música en la película de Gianni Amelio: Il signore delle formiche y he empezado la producción del tercer disco de mis composiciones para el proyecto OU, con la editorial italiana Kappabit, Folderol Records y la estadounidense Spoot Music. Con la compositora holandesa Merel Van Dijk hemos grabado el primer disco del proyecto Zeezand. At work to compose the soundtrack for the documentary about the great french director Paul Vecchialì, directed by Antonio Pettinelli. In 2023 she is the guest trumpet player and trumpet arranger for the the new album by Sole Parody – Le Parody, renowned Spanish artist and musician.

USA – B Dahlia Presents