
With Valeria Sturba (Opopoioooo) begins the hatching of the third disc of OU.

From 2020 with Maria Luisa Usai begins the investigation for the staging of Signore – mia madre nel ’68 non c’era e se c’era non se ne è accorta

In Madrid she gives birth to Hio (hyperintergalacticorchestra). 

Makumba Tropicale – ©2019 Fakktory Records – produced and performed by Lady Maru and Ersilia Prosperi. Psychedelic tunes to express the powerlessness of mankind against nature’s rebellions.

In 2018, Ersilia moved to Madrid where she joined the Orquesta en Transito directed by the composer and saxophonist Chefa Alonso and founded the Fanfarria TransFeminista.